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The Informant is a Society asset, a quarterly publication put together with great care and expertise for the benefit and enjoyment of all members. It is the lifeline of the Society and keeps members informed of upcoming activities, commitments and news.

The format of The Informant is all encompassing and affords members the opportunity to learn what other members are doing, get ideas for chapter activities and projects, and be kept informed of significant happenings. Chapter Chairs send in written activities regarding activities and photographs for the section “Chapter News”. Committee Chairs also contribute information on their activities. In addition, the Editor solicits and publishes items of interest and sets aside adequate space for the President to present a comprehensive report on all business that transpired during the previous quarter and news about upcoming events noteworthy for all members.

A copy of The Informant is mailed to members on a quarterly basis. However, a PDF version of the magazine is available to any member who would prefer to receive it electronically. If you would prefer to receive the magazine via email, click FBI.alumni.membership@gmail.com to submit your request.